The Hands of God is an arm of the Northwestern Rockingham Community Ministry 501(c)3. The NRCM is made up of pastors and churches in the area (including Stoneville, Mayodan and Madison) that choose to participate.
The Hands of God was organized to provide on behalf of the participating churches for the hunger needs, for emergency utility requirements, and for emergency medical supplies in so far as the resources will allow. We served our first clients in March, 1995. The organization is managed by a Board of Directors. All workers are volunteers; there are no paid workers.
The churches represented provide funds, food, volunteers and a representative on the Board. Duke Power also provides funds through their Share the Warmth and Share the Cooling plans. Other foundations, organizations and individuals contribute to the program.
Requests are made by calling the organization’s phone number and leaving a message. A volunteer checks the messages daily and returns the calls. After an evaluation of the need, the volunteer has the authority to meet that need within guidelines. Utility bills are paid to the utility company, food is provided through a food pantry, currently located at 115 W. Hunter Street, Madison, NC (rear), and prescriptions are filled through an arrangement with certain local pharmacies.
The purpose of this ministry is to share God’s love by establishing cooperative response to the emergency needs of persons in the Madison, Mayodan, Stoneville and surrounding area (the Western Rockingham County School District). The principle goal is to provide emergency assistance to individuals or families in situations where other local agencies or groups may be unable to provide the services needed.
To coordinate resources in the participating churches to be available for emergency assistance.
To stimulate community cooperation and funding in response to emergency needs.
To keep records of emergency assistance given in order to avoid duplication.
To direct people to seek long-term assistance from appropriate agencies.